Old drafts

Here are a few entries, which never got published.  Sorry if they are a bit disjointed.

Time in the playroom was always time well spent.

The garden got planted with 18 tomatoes this spring.  Boy, did we not know what we were in for!

We got some wonderful green beans, peppers and sunflowers from the *new* garden plot.

Work in the basement continued …

In the meantime, it made for great roller blade practice.

Any trip to Santa Cruz is not complete without a trip to Wilder Ranch.  Jack got to spend every Thursday here all year long during his Riekes Program.

Here the kids were playing hide and seek.  Can’t beat that classroom.

Little brother found a snake !

And an old snakeskin trophy was found in the wood of an old building.

This was the handmade paper the boys made.  Jack used his new calligraphy pen to write a thank you to Nana.

He finished up his poetry book by binding the papers together.

A sweet cornhusk sail the kids made gave this little boat life again.

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